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milk house roastery

Yogurt, plain sheep milk

Yogurt, plain sheep milk

Regular price $9.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $9.00 USD
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Blue Pepper Farm 

Deliciously sweet, creamy and slightly tart. Great plain or with a dollop of one our jams.

Smooth and delicious sheep’s milk yogurt in glass jar. Certified by Animal Welfare Approved.
Tyler and Shannon Eaton started Blue Pepper Farm in Jay, NY in 2012. It was the culmination of Tyler’s passion and study of ecological sustainability and systems thinking and Shannon’s love of farming and working with animals. The dream was born out of wanting to put down roots in the Adirondack Mountains, create meaningful work, and play an integral role in their local community. The farm has been a slow evolution as the two figured out what grew well on the land, what work they most enjoyed, and what niche could be filled in the local market. Sheep were brought onto the farm in 2012, the dairy was started in 2016, followed by the construction of a farmstead creamery in 2020. Tyler and Shannon now process their own milk into impossibly creamy sheep milk yogurt. They also produce lamb, yarn, tanned sheepskins, eggs and pork on their 86 acre farm.

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